Register on Alocai

Last updated on
March 23, 2023

Greetings and welcome to Alocai! If you're a manager or team of leaders overseeing localization projects, you've come to the right place. Specifically, we cater to those who work directly with game development businesses and handle multiple tasks assigned to various vendors. Let's get this project started!

1. Click on the registration page.

‍2. Select to register as a Language company and click Next.

Note that you will register one account for your company. That means that you will be the Admin user and your team members should be invited by you instead of registering the same as you do.

3. Complete your user and company information.

  • Add your name
  • Add your email
  • Add your company name

5. You will receive a confirmation email to set your password.

6. Login to the platform with your credentials.

💭 Do not create an account if your company is already registered. Instead, please contact your admin and ask them to add you.

Does your company have multiple branches? Alocai does not support separate "workspaces" per branch and all the users with a Project Manager or Admin user roles will have access to all the projects.

We recommend creating separate accounts per branch if you want to keep your projects separated per branch.

Ready to explore even more? If you've already registered, skip ahead to the User Account article available in the side menu. - let's dive right in!

Reporting a bug

If you encounter a bug, please report it to us using the customer support form located on the platform. Hit the Feedback button. We will be back to you as soon as we can.

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